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Launch Ceremony & PR Campaign Case Sharing: “Jockey Club Carer Space Project”

Writer's picture: Prologue EditorialPrologue Editorial

Updated: Aug 5, 2024

Faced with an ageing population, it is important to create an environment conducive to ageing in place. As of the Hong Kong 2021 Population Census, over 240,000 carers were supporting older adults with long-term care needs in the community. To address the needs of carers and their elders, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust has initiated and funded the “Jockey Club Carer Space Project” (“the Project”), with an approved funding of over HK$290 million to establish nine carer spaces which gradually deploy their innovative carer-centric services in the community, while  the Sau Po Centre on Ageing of the University of Hong Kong is responsible for the evidence-based research, design, and effectiveness review of this program.

Team Prologue is honored to participate in the launch ceremony of this territory-wide program, supporting event procedures and media liaison work, and providing design and printing services, floor and stage installations, as well as coordinating media releases and the press conference.

Chris Sun, Secretary for Labour and Welfare of the HKSAR Government (centre), Lester Huang, Steward of The Hong Kong Jockey Club (right) and Professor Patrick Nip, Convenor of the Project’s Advisory Committee (left) jointly officiated the launch ceremony of the “Jockey Club Carer Space Project”.

The Project was unveiled by a launch ceremony on May 23, 2024, with the honour to be officiated by Chris Sun, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare of the HKSAR Government, Lester Huang, SBS, JP, Steward of The Hong Kong Jockey Club (“the Club”), Professor Patrick Nip, GBS, JP, Convenor of the Project’s Advisory Committee, and representatives of Project partners.

"I believe the evidence-based project can serve as a role model for other ageing communities facing the same challenge to implement appropriate measures timely.”

Chris Sun, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare of the HKSAR Government giving the opening remarks in the launch ceremony.

Chris Sun, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare of the HKSAR Government, said in his opening remarks, “The services provided by the “Jockey Club Carer Space Project” are complementary to the Government’s territory-wide measures (including the Designated Hotline for Carer Support and the Information Gateway for Carers). I believe the evidence-based project can serve as a role model for other ageing communities facing the same challenge to implement appropriate measures timely.”

"The Club believes the Jockey Club Carer Space Project can raise public awareness for carers, serve as a valuable reference for the long-term development of related services, and promote a carer-friendly community."

Lester Huang, SBS, JP, Steward of the Club, giving the welcoming remarks in the launch ceremony.

Lester Huang, SBS, JP, Steward of the Club, stated in his welcoming remarks that “positive ageing and elderly care” is one of the Club’s strategic charities focus areas. He said, “Carers are crucial in supporting ageing in place, but they also face challenges and experience stress throughout their caregiving journey. The Club believes the Jockey Club Carer Space Project can raise public awareness for carers, serve as a valuable reference for the long-term development of related services, and promote a carer-friendly community. These initiatives are in line with the Club's purpose of acting continuously for the betterment of our society.”

"We hope this assessment-guided approach can precisely match carers with most needed services such as emotional support, leisure space through respite support, and caregiving skills training."

Professor Patrick Nip, GBS, JP, Convenor of the Project’s Advisory Committee (right), interviewing Henry Leung, one of the beneficiaries of the Project who is taking care of his wife with dimentia.

Professor Patrick Nip, GBS, JP, Convenor of the Project’s Advisory Committee, introduced the Project, “The survey has demonstrated that carers have diverse needs, particularly those with high-level needs may require support in multiple areas. We hope this assessment-guided approach can precisely match carers with most needed services such as emotional support, leisure space through respite support, and caregiving skills training. We will also provide preventive services for carers with moderate and low needs.”

The Project collaborates with the Sau Po Centre on Ageing of the University of Hong Kong to conduct a survey on carers’ needs and further develop a screening tool for their self-assessment. The tool aims to provide carers with a more in-depth self-understanding of their own needs, encourage them to seek help when necessary, and assist the service providers in identifying high-risk families for early intervention.

Team Prologue is honored to take part in this meaningul roject, providing one-stop services to ensure a seamless delivery of the launch ceremony and the press conference.

The Project partners with five non-profit organizations to establish carer centres to provide comprehensive support for carers by offering them care journey planning, counselling services and parallel activities. Moreover, carers are empowered to share experiences with peers and support each other. The centres also offer flexible day respite services for older adults so that their carers can have leisure space and parallel activities.

Please visit for more details.

Media Coverage

明報 - 馬會設9照顧者中心 5年料助逾4萬人 [Link]

有線新聞 - 馬會撥2.9億設9間照顧者中心 提供解壓活動、講座等 孫玉菡:為全國作示範 [Link]

TVB - 馬會聯同非牟利機構社區設立九間照顧者中心 為照顧者提供支援 [Link]

HK01 - 賽馬會斥2.9億建9間支援中心 為照顧者提供喘息空間 [Link]

港台 - 孫玉菡籲照顧者使用暫託服務 賽馬會將設立9間中心提供支援 [Link]

商台 - 馬會撥款2.9億於9區設「照顧者中心」 提供暫托等服務 [Link]

東網 - 馬會撥2.9億設9間照顧者中心 畀30元可暫託4小時「唞下氣」[Link]

信報 - 馬會撥款逾2.9億設9間照顧者中心 [Link]

Topick - 安老 | 馬會撥2.9億設9間照顧者中心 料惠及超過2.7萬照顧者和1.5萬名受照顧長者[Link]

大公報 - 多管齊下/孫玉菡:計劃有助摸索支援新模式 [Link]

The Standard - Jockey Club leads way in caring for city's carers [Link]

AM730 - 馬會撥款2.9億推護老者計劃 9照顧者中心暫託支援紓壓 [Link]

星島日報 - 馬會撥2.9億設9間照顧者中心 [Link]

醫思維 - 【扶助照顧者】馬會撥款成立9間照顧者中心,非牟利機構助護老者評估紓壓 [Link]

經濟日報 副刊 - 八旬老翁獨力照顧認知障礙太太 社區暫託減沉重壓力 [Link]


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