In the Policy Address last year, different measures were introduced in order to forge Hong Kong into an international inno-tech center, including the provision of matching fund for life and health technology development. The Budget announced in late February this year also stressed that ‘with solid basic research capabilities in life and health technology, Hong Kong is home to world-class experts, top-notch medical schools, R&D centres and laboratories. We are well-equipped to develop into an international life and health technology centre’. The measures introduced include allocating HKD 6 billion to support collaboration between local universities and institutions from both local and overseas regions, establishing Life and Health Technology Research Institutes, as well as setting up the Greater Bay Area International Clinical Trial Institute (GBAICTI) in the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Co-operation Zone.
(From the left )Mr. Ken Wong, Executive Director of Hong Kong Life Sciences Society, Dr. Eddy Wu, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Arctic Vision, Mou Yuanbiao, MPhil Student at the Lab of Combinatorial Genetics & Synthetic Biology of University of Hong Kong.
Since 2021/22, Hong Kong Life Sciences Society (HKLSS) have been conducting the “Nurturing Life Sciences Talent” survey for three consecutive years, and the latest round of survey result was announced on 9 April 2024. The survey collected 301 responses from university students and young graduates in life sciences-related displicines.
To further promote the development of life and health sciences technology in Hong Kong, Mr. Ken Wong has made few suggestions, including providing internship opportunities and establishing an all-in-one platform with life sciences career information.
The survey results indicate that 23.5% of the respondents feel "extremely positive" about the career prospects in Hong Kong's life sciences field. Over 82.2% expressed the determination to pursue a career in the life sciences and/or biotechnology-related industries after graduation, which is higher compared to previous years' survey results. Among them, 39.9% of the respondents stated they were "extremely determined" to stay in this industry.
“The results shows that respondents have a more positive outlook on the potential of life sciences in Hong Kong and are committed to pursuing their careers in the sector.”
CEO of Nan Fung Group and the Founder and Board Chair of Hong Kong Life Sciences Society, Vincent Cheung, was delighted with the survey results, ‘since the establishment of HKLSS five years ago, our organization has been committed to nurturing talent in the life sciences field, with the aim of retaining talent locally and fostering development in both Hong Kong and Mainland China. The results shows that respondents have a more positive outlook on the potential of life sciences in Hong Kong and are committed to pursuing their careers in the sector and we find this very encouraging. The Hong Kong government has emphasized the city's potential to become an international hub for life and health sciences technology, and has injected various funds. Through activities such as summer internship, mentorship, and scholarships, our organization also aims to provide comprehensive life sciences career support, assisting in the establishment of Hong Kong and Mainland China as international centers for life sciences.’
About Hong Kong Life Sciences Society
HKLSS is a youth organization established in 2018 aiming to build a dynamic life sciences ecosystem in Hong Kong. Through knowledge exchange, collaboration and engagement, HKLSS aims to attract, cultivate and retain talent in Hong Kong’s life sciences and biotechnology sectors.
Media Coverage
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